French Tax rebate for international production (TRIP) The TRIP supports foreign production companies whose projects are completely or partly made in France. To be eligible, projects must include cultural elements related to French and European culture, heritage or territory. Eligibility is based on a Cultural Test, which assesses the relativity of the story, locations, characters, sources, landmarks, creators, crew and technical hubs. For VFX-intensive and animated films, there is a dedicated Cultural Test acknowledging the singularities of the genre. The TRIP is selectively granted by the CNC and Film France to the line producer of the work in France. The amount represents 30% of the eligible film expenses incurred in France, and caps at € 30 million per project and a minimum spending of 250,000 euros of qualifying expenditures in France or incur at least 50% of the total budget to be spent in France. / LEARN MORE
Canadian / québec tax credit Québec offers some of the most advantageous tax rebates available in North America: 20 % cash-back on all expenses, 16 % bonus on all CGI and Green screen shots applicable on extended eligible labor, with no minimum spend nor caps. Plus, at the federal level, you get an additional tax incentive of 16%, net of any assistance, of eligible labour expenditures within Canada (CISP)/ LEARN MORE